Our CNC facility will be closed for Chinese New Year national holidays. Orders placed and designs uploaded after January 10th will be delayed until our facility re-opens on Feb 8th. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your understanding.
PikoBLX Flight Controller (or anything else with a 20x20mm hole spacing)
ESCs smaller than 23x14x5mm or so - I recomment the Racerstar RS6a 2-3s, but in theory anything as big as a Littlebee should fit.
1104/6500 are known good, I expect 1103/8000 would be fine as well on 2s for something a little less high strung.
I'm using the InnovaOSD/VTX from Furious, but there are options for VTX - note that at this size you don't want a full flavor SMA connector on the frame anywhere. Nowhere to put it, anyway.
The 12x12mm diatone cam and mount works nicely, but this is the most DIY part of this build. If you don't have a 3d printer, I recommend the Diatone variant of the top, it just bolts up, no muss, no fuss.
The smallest radio receiver you can find.
Assembly is pretty straightforward, although tricky.
Designed for the Diatone cam mount and a more rough-and-ready design. All the M2 hardware adds up - maybe really good body tape would work to mount the cam to the CF.