Our CNC facility will be closed for Chinese New Year national holidays. Orders placed and designs uploaded after January 10th will be delayed until our facility re-opens on Feb 8th. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your understanding.
Super light setup for skilled racer pilots. Is designed to fit the runcam swift micro or other similarly sized cameras with widths of 19 millimeters. Only fits one stack for flight controller. Receiver mounts ontop of FC and VTX on top of the quad itself. Very tight build. Not recommended for beginners. I recommend using EMAX bullet ESCs on the arms. They might stick out a bit but they work fine. Just wrap some electrical tape around them if you want it to look cleaner. The goal of this frame was to make it as light and simple as possible. I had to get creative with the standoffs by adding their lengths together but it turned out just fine. Have fun ripping with this frame guys!
Unlike in the picture, the frame comes with a bottom reinforcement plate. You can sandwhich the arms between the reinforcement plate and the main bottom plate, or you can save a little weight and do it Mr.Steele style. Your call.
The frame is a drop-deck (obviously) style frame meaning it will make for a bit of a tight build. Not recommended for beginners just getting into soldering. It currently does not have a go pro mount designed for it so youll have to use a piece of foam like Mr. Steele and strap it down with a battery strap.
I had to get a bit creative with the standoffs because they didnt have the right size of standoff for how I designed it. Some of the standoffs will be stacked on top of each other, and use the longer screws given with the kit but it does just fine.