Our CNC facility will be closed for Chinese New Year national holidays. Orders placed and designs uploaded after January 10th will be delayed until our facility re-opens on Feb 8th. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your understanding.
Special Price for a limited time just to get people trying these out!!
Tested Snowproof!
Crash resistant!
Could be waterproof! Care must be taken to seal up the couple holes needed with with silcone or hot glue.
DIY building guide coming soon.
Flight videos with a gopro hero4 in a waterproof case.
DVR video:
Couple things to note -
ESCs, Flight controller, Video Transmitter, Receiver, Camera and Battery are all inside the container. The polycarbate is clear enough to not cause distoration to the camera.
Flight controller is mounted at pitch 90degrees
4 holes for the 30.5mm spacing for the flight controller. 2 holes for motor wires to enter the container. 1 hole for Vtx antenna. These all should be filled with silcone or hot glue if used in the snow or water.
The heat that is generated by the ESCs, Vtx, and battery is all held within the container. This is great in the winter because it keeps the battery from getting cold even on days below -10F (tested). It has not been tested in the summer yet, so on warmer days check to make sure it isn't getting too hot, and let it cool down with the cap off.
Recommend Build:
5 inch props. 5045BN or triblades are working well for me right now.
Motors 2204 to 2208 size and 2100kv- 2600kv depending on type of prop.
Battery is 1000-1500mah 4s battery. The Bonka 1500mah battery that I use is a tight fit.
8oz clear polycarbonate nalgene on amazon: Here or Here